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- UCR Health
- Home
- Meet Dean Deborah Deas
- Committees
- Leadership Team
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Community-Based Clinical Faculty List
- Community Advisory Board
- SOM Overview
- 2023-24 Year in Review
- Mission, Vision, Diversity, & Values Statements
- Strategic Plan 2024-27
- SOM Videos on YouTube
- Endowed Chairs
- Division of Biomedical Sciences
- Division of Clinical Sciences
- Department of Social Medicine, Population, & Public Health
- Facilities
- SOM Open House
- SOM News Website
- Online 360 Tour
- Our History
- Suggestion Box
- A-Z Website List
- Applying to the School of Medicine
- Pathway Programs
- Thomas Haider Program
- Haider Early Assurance Program
- Student Affairs
- Information for Veterans & Active Duty Military
- Our Degree Programs
- Undergraduate Medical Education (MD)
- Longitudinal Ambulatory Care Experience (LACE)
- Core Competencies & Educational Program Objectives
- Designated Emphasis Programs
- Program in Medical Education (PRIME)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- PhD in Biomedical Sciences
- Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences
- MD/PhD Combined Degree
- MD/MPP Concurrent Degree Program
- Faculty Development
- Graduate Medical Education (Residency Programs)
- Resident Teaching Skills
- Verification of Education, Training, & Employment
- Research
- Employment
- Giving
- UCR Health
This is a list of all websites and frequently accessed pages overseen by the UCR School of Medicine
- Academic Affairs
- Building Emergency Plans (on SOM Intranet)
- California Medicine Scholars Program (CMSP - Pathway Program)
- Center for Bridging Regional Ecology, Aerosolized Toxins, & Health Effects (BREATHE)
- Center for Simulated Patient Care (CSPC)
- Center for Glial-Neuronal Interactions (CGNI)
- Center for Health Disparities Research (HDR@UCR)
- Center for Healthy Communities (CHC)
- Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine (MolMed)
- Community College Outreach (Pathway Program)
- Compliance Office (SOM)
- Coss Lab - Neuroendocrinology
- Dean's Medical Student Research Day
- Dean's Research Innovation Fund
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
- Division of Biomedical Sciences
- Early Assurance Program (Thomas Haider Program)
- Faculty Development
- FastStart (Pipeline Program)
- Future Physician Leaders (Pathway Program)
- Gala, Celebration of Medical Education
- Graduate Medical Education (GME)
- Health Coach Program (Pathway Program)
- Health Professions Advising Center
- Health Science Partnership (Pathway Program)
- Host-Pathogen Working Group
- Innovation Program Suggestions (Must be on campus or on VPN to access this site)
- Intranet (SOM)
- JumpStart (Pathway Program)
- Mailroom
- Medical Leaders of Tomorrow (Pathway Program)
- Medical Scholars Program (Pathway Program)
- Microglia & CNS Immunity (Carson Lab)
- Mini Medical School (Pathway Program)
- Mucosal Immunology (Lo Lab)
- Office of Information Technology (OIT)
- Online 360 Tour
- Pathway Programs Office
- Policies and Procedures (within Compliance website - requires CAS login to view)
- Premedical Postbaccalaureate Program (Pathway Program)
- Research at the SOM
- Research Development
- Resident Teaching Skills
- Service Now Ticketing System
- Southern Californian Eukaryotic Pathogen Symposium (SCEP)
- Sponsored Research & Programs
- Student Affairs
- Thomas Haider Program at the UCR SOM
- UCR Health
- Undergraduate Medical Education
- Verification of Medical Education and Training
- Videos on YouTube