A Community-Based Medical School for the 21st Century

Deas and guests in front of banner

SOM Community Advisory Board



The UC Riverside School of Medicine's Community Advisory Board (CAB) is made up of leaders in the Inland Southern California region who provide unique perspective and wisdom about the medical and healthcare needs of the people living in our Inland Southern California communities.

The advisory board meets at least twice a year, providing a forum in which the latest developments and future plans of the SOM are shared as we work together to further our community-based mission to address our physician workforce needs and improve the health of people living in this region.

For more information about the Community Advisory Board, please email Linda.Reimann@medsch.ucr.edu.

CAB Membership

Dr. Dan Anderson
Kathy Barton
Dr. Conrado Bárzaga
Terry Boykins
David Brinkman
Dr. Paulette Brown-Hinds
Dr. Lesley Davidson-Boyd
Ninfa Delgado
Alison Elsner
Dr. Ramon Ferra
Mary Figueroa
Tammi Graham

Paul Granillo
Dr. Glen Grayman
Delores Green
Ruth-Ellen Grimes
Chancellor Wolde-Ab Isaac
Douglas Kleam
Dr. Jenna LeComte-Hinely
Dr. Ernest Levister
Patricia Lock Dawson
Rose Mayes
Dr. Annette Moultrie
Dr. Geneva Oaks

Mary Parks
Dr. Desiree K. Reedus
Dr. Ancel J. Rogers
Cindy Roth
Brenda Scott
Dr. Manuela Sosa
Randy Sosa
Yvonne Suarez
Patricia Summers
Matt Webb
Jodie Wingo