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Action Plan for Medical Education Processes in the Event of a COVID-19-related School Curtailment
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After discussion between all leaders in Medical Education at UCR SOM, and based on guidelines disseminated from the AAMC, the following action plan was developed.
- In general, all non-clinical group activities for students will be replaced by online or distance learning options.
- All required in-person activities (gross anatomy lab functions, in-person proctored assessments such as OSCEs and NBME Shelf exams, etc.) will be postponed until the curtailment is finished.
- All student clinical rotational duties will continue as scheduled, and students will follow the policies and procedures of their clinical sites. The only exception to this is the guidance that students should not participate in the care of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 until further notice.
- No travel to international sites or sites with known outbreaks will be approved for student rotations.
Specific Action Plans for Medical Education Subunits
Nonclinical Sessions:
Lectures: in-person session content will be assigned as an online video-conference (Zoom), a contemporaneously recorded podcast, a slide review or review of other online material, or an archived (2019) podcast and distributed through iLearn. For Zoom connections, 10 “placeholder” Zoom Pro Accounts (using UCR Net IDs) will be set up and instructions for establishing connections at home or in PBL rooms will be posted.
PBL: Cases will be presented by facilitators (from their homes or PBL rooms) to small groups via online video-conferencing (Zoom), and may be supplemented or replaced with additional Self-Study assignment (short reading, follow-up questions, online content regarding the clinical case or learning issues).
Assessments: Online weekly quizzes will continue. End-of-block exams may be postponed.
Clinical Sessions:
Clinical Skills / Doctoring: Content will be presented via online pre-recorded or contemporaneous podcasts (distributed through iLearn) or by video-conferencing (Zoom), and may be supplemented with additional Self-Study assignment. Panopto video recording equipment in Med Ed G650 could be used for podcasting. OSCEs will be postponed.
LACE: in-person session content will be assigned as an online video-conference (Zoom), or a contemporaneously recorded podcast, or an archived podcast distributed through iLearn. Sessions with LACE preceptors in community clinics may be postponed or limited, or in some cases replaced by online content. However, clinical experience at LACE sites will continue, and students should follow the procedures of their clinical sites. Students should not, however, directly participate in the care of patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Clerkship: Students are an integral part of the care team on their clerkships, and learning that caring for patients is the highest priority should be a core educational principal at every medical school. All students should continue to report to their clinical sites, being sure to follow all protective protocols enacted at each site. The one caveat to this is that UCR students should not be involved in direct care of patients with a known diagnosis of COVID-19 infection.
4th year: As with the 3rd year, students are an integral part of the care team on their 4th year rotations. All students should continue to report to their clinical sites, being sure to follow all protective protocols enacted at each site. The one caveat to this is that UCR students should not be involved in direct care of patients with a known diagnosis of COVID-19 infection.
Back to Basics: All sessions in Back to Basics will be converted to optional attendance, and a distance learning option utilizing Zoom, online materials, or recorded sessions will be provided. Should the campus completely close, all content will be replaced by online substitutes.
Graduate Students
Block courses and review/grant writing courses (BMSC 260A-C) and BMSC 254 will be replaced by online or distance learning options. BMSC 252 will be postponed until the curtailment is finished.